Testimonials From Our Clients

What do our clients love about their experiences?

Behind the scene of one of our Divine Feminine Experience, it's all about highlighting & help you step into your natural

Behind the scene of one of our The art of be-you-tiful Experience, it's all about highlighting & help you step into your natural radiance

What I love about Mina is her authenticity. Mina is beyond professional in her work and she makes you feel confident, sexy and at ease throughout the entire shoot. Mina is passionate about what she does and has learned from her life experience on how to best help women feel confident and sexy while being your vulnerable self at the same time. She has a unique way of bringing out the real you in front of the camera. She captures the essence of your soul and makes your Divine beauty shine through. Her artistic style shows in her work and yes she breaks all the rules by moving through her feminine flow and creates some epic pictures and experiences. She designed my book cover and I couldn’t be more proud to share my deepest pain and triumph with the portrait she took of me as the cover. I just adore this woman.

-- Jennelle, Mom of 1, The OFactors creator and Intimacy Coach

What I love about Mina is her authenticity. Mina is beyond professional in her work and she makes you feel confident

Mina is a wonderful woman, human, and photographer. I felt super comfortable expressing myself with her, also she was able to capt my essence in the camera. I love her work and her intention behind it. 

Lots of love!

-- Ezri

Imagine loving the pure wholeness of you with no shame & no judgement.

I feel empowered after working with Mina. My perspectives about myself & what "being beautiful" to me has shifted, I got to connect with a side of me that I wasn't familiar with before. 

As a model, I love that she encouraged me not to pose or perform for the camera, I love her authenticity and passion. My experience with her has helped me to continue to honor and love myself more.

I am excited to share my experience &

beautiful creations with others!

-- Hailey

I love that she encouraged me not to pose or perform for the camera, I love her authenticity and passion.

I was nervous before working with Mina, but I feel really empowered afterwards!

This experience changed my perspective about myself, I can not believe how comfortable I was throughout, how much of myself I revealed, Mina made me feel very comfortable and it was fun! I got to connect with a different side of myself. Now I am more motivated to share my photos with others and I’d like to work more on my body and weight so I can feel better about myself in photos in the future.

I would definitely recommend this experience to my friends!

-- Andrea, Mom of 2

How about we stop waiting to love ourselves until we reach a certain goals? How great would that feel?

I am so excited about my session with Mina! I have never had an intimate photoshoot done before, this helped me get out of my comfort zone and I feel so empowered! Mina made me feel very beautiful and comfortable. She really helped me get more into my body and out of my head.

Through this experience, I am now more aware of how I judge myself, and after Mina's coaching, now I feel more beautiful and not comparing myself to others as much.

I will gladly recommend this to every woman!

-- Chimene, a Mom from TX

What if you stop judging yourself? How will your life transform? Become aware of your inner thoughts automatically.

What do our clients love about The Art Of Radical Self-Acceptance Experience?

It is so empowering to see your body in a new perspective, beautify it in your own creative ways, connect & support with

It is so empowering to see your body in a new perspective, beautify it in your own creative ways, connect & support with other like-hearted women..

It feels empowering to look at my feminine part and create an art piece honoring it!

I LOVE this transforming experience!

I am proud of what I created, even though since having 3 children, I haven’t put that much time into my creative endeavors.

Mina is a true creative/artist! She is passionate about art, and the healing journey that is, for her, connected to art. Her instructions were clear and deliberate. 

Now, I'm much more confident and comfortable with my yoni.

-- Dana, Mom from Canada, a Self Love coach

It feels empowering to look at my feminine part and create an art piece honoring it!

It feels empowering to look at my feminine part and create an art piece honoring it!

I am not the artistic type so I never attended artistic activities before.

It was my first yoni art class, I felt held and supported by Mina, and I realized creating art isn't as hard as I thought.

Before the workshop, I had no particular feelings about my feminine part, now I appreciate it more than before and give it much love and attention.

-- Bernie, Mom of 3

(example image)

I am not an Artist, but painting my Yoni was delicious & empowering!

Mina coached me how to paint my own Yoni via zoom based on a photo I took, and this is the result after 2 hours. I love it as I adore all parts of me!

I love this experience so I invited Mina to teach this workshop at my Intimacy Retreat in Mexico, and it was a transforming experience for all of my female participants to see their body in a different way!

-- Jennelle, Mom from CA, Tantra Intimacy Coach

What do our clients love about The Art Of Mindfulness Course?

Learn how to practice mindfulness with art doodles and reduce your stress in less than 20 minutes a day!

I started my course in Oct of 2020, I was very stressed with work & the uncertainty of the world during the pandemic and the quarantine.

Within a week, I stopped feeling as overwhelmed & stressed. I made sure I do my doodle every night before bed, when I noticed how the practice helped me sleep better through that tough time, it even became something I can do with my daughter.

I liked this program as it's different every day, I even used my new skill to make little greeting cards to gift to my clients for the Holiday!

I am overall very proud of my creations as I never thought I can draw or make a good face 😂

Thank you!

-- Nancy, Mom of 2, a small business owner

Within a week, I stopped feeling as overwhelmed, stressed and it helped me sleep better during COVID.

This course helps me recognizing what kind of energy I use for different activities. It helps me slow down to become more aware of how tense my body is on some days, how I am breathing and helps me feel much calmer. I also noticed my need to correct the "imperfection" in my drawing (and my life). On the days when my mind was all over the place, this practice gives me a mental break & be able to recenter & focus again.

-- Kandyce

What do our clients love about The Art Of Selfie-Confidence Experience?

Learn how to use your smartphone camera to practice mindfulness & become more authentic happy self!

Your class was off the chain!! I didn't realize how I did NOT know about taking selfies and editing photos with my phone, until I attended your mastermind. I really enjoyed it because I got to learn about the proper way to take selfies, how to get on a peak state specifically for selfies, and the big difference that little things that we overlook make when we take pictures. I truly see and feel a big difference between my before & after selfies. THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing your knowledge and experience 💞

I recommend this mastermind 100% to everyone who might be hesitant about taking selfies and even those who think they're pros on selfies, I truly believe they will also learn something new.

-- Lizette

I got to learn about the proper way to take selfies, how to get on a peak state specifically for selfies, and the big di

I have learned so much about myself & how to take better selfie, not just for personal reasons but also for online marketing purposes through the experience!

-- Angela

ready to optimize your transformation now?

"Believing you are unworthy of love and belonging—that who you are authentically is a sin or is wrong—is deadly. Who you are is beautiful and amazing."

—Laverne Cox

Disclaimer Notice

The services provided by Memorable Wandering Studio are not the right choice for people experiencing psychosis, violent thoughts or violence towards self or others.

The information contained on the www.creativehealingmagic.com website is not a substitute for professional advice such as a Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist, or counselor.

We are also not an appropriate resource for people with conduct disorder, high levels of aggression, people going through detox from serious addiction or those who have severe, unmedicated mental illness.

Diagnosing psychological or medical conditions is for trained medical professionals (Physicians and Therapists), not for a Coach.

Any decisions you make, and the consequences thereof are your own. Under no circumstances can you hold Memorable Wandering Studio liable for any actions that you take. You agree not to hold Memorable Wandering Studio LLC, or any employees of Memorable Wandering Studio LLC, liable for any loss or cost incurred by you, or any person related or associated with you, as a result of materials or techniques, or coaching, offered by Memorable Wandering Studio.

Results are not guaranteed.

The depicted experience is not typical. Your background, education, experience, work ethic may differ. This is used as an example and not a guarantee of success. Individuals do not track the typicality of its student's experiences. Your results may vary.

The training is intended for informational and educational purposes, it is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment. Please consult your medical professional before making changes to your diet, exercise routine, medical regimen, lifestyle, and/or mental health care.

Memorable Wandering Studio holds no responsibility for the actions, choices, or decisions taken or made by the client.

The owner of and contributors to Memorable Wandering Studio accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any harm - real or imagined - from the use or dissemination of information contained here. 

If these terms are not agreeable, do not engage the services.

By engaging the services of Memorable Wandering Studio you have agreed to all terms and conditions.

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